Out of my mind reflection

Out of my mind is a novel by Sharon Draper about Melody Brooks. Melody is a 11 year old female who has cerebral palsy and goes to Spaulding Street Elementary school and she never feels like she fits in. When Melody starts 5th grade she meets a “normal”girl in Melody’s inclusion classes her name is rose will rose betray Melody will they become enemies or will they be best friends?

Melody is 11 years old and has to fight through tough challenges and show resilience and communication a lot because Melody can’t talk so she has to use a communication device so that she can communicate with other people. Resilience is a big part in this story because she has to face challenges and be brave.

Sharon Draper is a great author because she drops clues when you don’t even know. She also writes the whole book in first person and the whole book uses heaps of similes and metaphors . I really like out of my mind because when you read the title you wouldn’t think it was about Melody because it has a fish on the front cover.

Out of my mind is a page turner and gripping story and is a must read by the time you finish junior school.


Term 1

this term went really quickly for me this is my first term at Carey and it was great some of the highlights so far have been house swimming because my house came first and in my individual races I came first in all of them. Another highlight has been aps and getting our buddies my buddie is called Ella and she has a sister.aps has been a highlight because in rock climbing I got to the top of the wall.

something I have learnt is doing division with the bus stop method and doing division with decimals. before I came to Carey I couldn’t even do division that well and I am really proud of myself.

my goals this year are to learn all of my times tables and to get better at giving things a go and putting my hand up more in class

some of the positive learner attributes I have shone are resilience because when I was doing division I never gave up and just kept trying I have also shone courage.
